
Minal Aidzin Wal Faidzin

For all my friends, for the time being, I will not able to update my blog since I will go to my hometown at Palembang. I have been 10 months never meet my parents and I also need to see all my friends at Palembang . I miss them so much. Anyway, you still can leave your message in my SB (ShoutBox) or by email. InsyaAllah, when I come back I will respond to your message.

Dont forget to keep praying for my trip back to hometown. Last but not least, from the bottom of my heart, I want to say :

When the earth is a shadow of heaven, everyone with good soul can feel the peacefull.
When forgive and forget coming from the deepest heart. Everyone will wish that this Holy day can last until next Ramadhan coming in.

Happy Eid..!

Warmest Regards,


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14 13 comments:

Anonymous said...

Selamat jalan ya! Bunda doakan selamat sampai tujuan. Mohon Maaf lahir & batin, Selamat Idul Fitri. *waaaah...anak bunda pakai baju koko ganteng juga ternyata*

Anonymous said...

Wahhh udah berangkat mudik nihh yeee..
Selamat Idul Fitri ya...Mohon maaf lahir dan batin..

Ternyata muncul juga wajah mu ya...:)
hehehhe jadi tidak penasaran lagi..

ascrec said...

Taqoballahu minna wa minkum
Taqoballahu ya kariim
Met Idul Fitri y, minal adizin wal faidzin...

Maafin aQ y kalo ada salah selama ngeblog atopun bertegur sapa heuheu

JualannyaSaya said...

Selamat hari raya idul fitri
1 syawal 1428 hijriah

mohon maaf lahir & bathin bro..

`.¨☆¨geLLy¨☆¨.´ said...

Taqoballoh Minna Wa minkum - taqobal ya kariimmm....mohon maaf lahir n batin....happy eid mubarak....1 syawal 1428 H!!!

Eucalyptus said...

Met mudik, jgn lupa bawa mpek2 yang banyak..... Minal aidin wal faizin. Mhn maaf lahir & batin

Anonymous said...

terbang tidak hanya ke langit, ke bumi tempat kita lahir pun layak untuk selalu dikepak sambil mengais romantisme masa lalu untuk menyegarkan sumur jiwa yg kering terbakar panas kegarangan kota.

salam lebaran, mohon maaf lahir batin, smoga tidak ada aral melintang selma di perjalanan

Noushy Syah said...

Have a blessed Eid and happiness always be yours.

Take care, insyaallah you'll have a safe journey.

Mr. Eagle said...

to bunda..
maksi yaa bunda berkat doa bunda eagle pulang end pergi dalam lindungNya...

Mr. Eagle said...

to RMY...
iya eagle kemarin mudik kangen ama keluarga....yup eagle muncilin fotonya soalnya udah banyak yg request hehehe...sedikit narsis

Mr. Eagle said...

to Aileena S.C.R.E.C ...
sama-sama eagle juga minta maaf lahir dan bathin bila ada salah2 kata

maafin anne juga saudaraku lahir n bathin

to gelly....
maafin sobatmu ini lahir n bathin...

Jasa Sewa Truck Surabaya said...

tetap semangat update ya min. . .

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