
Health Tag

I’ve got tagged by my good friend Sani

1. What is your definition of ‘healthy eating’?
Answer: Good nutrition and a balanced food

2. Do you exercise on a regular basis? What is your favorite form of exercise? Least favorite?
Answer: Yes, I do.My favourite exercises are basketball and jogging

3. Do you take vitamin supplements?
Answer: Yes I am, only vitamin C and E

4. Can you tell that your body is getting older? If so, how?
Answer: Of course our body is getting older, that's why we have to start to Exercise regularly. Squeeze in at least 30 minutes of activity every day and include structured workouts such as walking, running, swimming, etc. at least 3 days a week, Eat healthy and Be realistic

5. Would you call yourself healthy?
Answer: Yes i'm healthy.

No i'm not tagging any one
Special Thanks to Sani for giving me tag..

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14 4 comments:

L. Pralangga said...

Live the life healthy as people needs you to do good towards the surroundings :)

Seneng udh bisa mampir kesini, salam hangat dari Afrika Barat
PS: Ohya, Warung yang lama ini akhirnya kembali di buka, setelah lama di tinggal mudik.

Mr. Eagle said...

thanks for comment
tetap semangat yaa...

Me said...

We can't refuse to getting older.
I am too. One of the sign is become tired easily.

Mr. Eagle said...

tua itu pasti
semua orang tidak mau tua.. maunya muda trus....

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