
The Angel In You

I have two guardian angels
who are always by my side,
and when I'm feeling lonely,
in my angels I confide.

The path I've often chosen,
lined with sorrow and with stone,
has lead me into darkness,
but I was never alone.

I share my deepest secrets
without judgement and no fears,
and when my heart stops bleeding,
my angels wipe my tears.

My angels see what I have seen;
feel the pain that I have felt,
then gently they remind me,
to play the cards God dealt.

He would'nt put upon me
more weight than I can bear,
and through his loving angels,
his strength and light is there.

My guardian angels watch me,
one from high in heaven above,
and when my heart starts crying,
he whispers me his love.

I'm blessed to have two angels
that love, and help me through,
my angel that exists in heaven,
and the angel that lives in you.

by RosesAreBlue

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14 16 comments:

Ayu Ambarsari Hanafiah said...

who's the angel mas???

bagus banged..

Kristina Dian Safitry said...

kamusku tadi kemana ya?

Mr. Eagle said...

to ayu ambar....
:D siapa yaa.....

to kristina....
kamus apa nih nyindir yaaa

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