
Tag Again

Tuesday, April 08, 2008, Eagle is back! It's time to post. Again, I've got tagged from My Sister Shinta, thank you sister . Sorry lama baru dikerjakan And here we go...!

Start to copy

1. At what age do you wish to marry?
Dibawah umur 30 Tahun , dengan alasan punya penghasilan dan kerjaan yg tetap dulu.

2.If you can turn into anything, what do you wish you can turn into?
Seandainya kesempatan itu ada, membiayai orangtua naik haji

3.If you were stranded on an desert island, who are the 3 blog buddies you would take with you? Why?
Actually, I want to take more but if I have to choose 3:

- Bunda Ani, karena dia ibu yang baik, ceria, cantik dll
- Ayuk Devi, ayuk yang TOP deh wong kito jugo :D
- OOm, banyak belajar dari tutorialnya

4.Where is the place that you want to go most?
Makkah, I think every moslem have dream to go there.O:)

5.If you have one dream to come true, what would it be?
Mempunyai keluarga yang sakina mawadha dan warohma

6.Who is in your mind right now?==> What is...
Mencari kerja yang tetap.....

7.What are you afraid to lose the most right now?
My faith in Allah and my beloved family.O:)

8.Do you want your first born child to be a girl or boy? Why?
Laki-laki, biar jadi teman main basket :D

9.If you meet someone you love, would you confess to him/her?
No comment to saat ini...:D

10.List out three good things of the person who tagged you.
Its my sister yg terdampar di Tsukuba, Japan, yang pastinya baik dong and sering lempar TAG ke eagle.. btw thanks sis :D

11. What colour do you like? Why?
Black, blue and green, bikin suasana tambah ceria dan penuh semangat.

12.What type of person do you hate the most?
Yang egois, sombong dan suka maksain maunya sendiri.

13.What would you do if you won a million dollars?
Hanya kata WOW yang keluar dari mulut eagle

14.What is your ambition?
Jadi orang yang berguna bagi agama, keluarga dan nusa bangsa.

15.What would you wanna be after you're dead?
Diampuni segala salah dan dosa, and come in to heaven.O:)

16. If you have a chance, which part of your character would you like to change?
Idem sama no 2.

17.What would you most want to achieve right now?
Cepat dapat kerja yang tetap trus merried

18.What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
Family and friends (including the bloggers). I was nothing without you.

19. If there’s one thing in your life you want to do but yet unable to, what would it be?
Pergi haji

20. Among all the questions asked, which one do u like most? Why?
No 19, hmm... Hope, it would make my life complete.

End Copy

And I want to pass this tag to Bunda Ani and Ayuk Devi. Karena eagle sayang Bunda Ani and Ayuk devi :D. Hope this tag doesn't disturb your activity

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14 12 comments:

Eucalyptus said...

makasih ya Eagle, luv u too....
Terharu baca yg no. 3.
Insya Allah nanti aku kerjain deh tag-nya....

Shinta Octaviani said...

Makasih bro Eagle... udah mau ngerjain tag ini. Maaf ya, kalo sering ngelempat tag,itu tandanya aku ingat sama Eagle.

Aku do'a-in smoga cepat dapat kerjaan tetap, trus merried dan bisa membiayai ortu pergi haji.
Sukses ya bro....!

rizky said...

Waauuhhh, Mulia sekali ya DiriMu ingin menaekkan Haji Orang Tua...?
aQ juga Punyak keinginan yang sama kok Do'akan ya aQ juga berhasil, tercapai Cita2 Ku...? Amin

Mr. Eagle said...

to ayuk devi...
jangan sampai nangis ya yuk ntr Djakarta banjir :D...

to shinta...
Gpp eagle senang kok.. biar terjalin tali silaturahminya..

to rizky...
iya, moga tercapai ya bro.. Aminn...

Anonymous said...

Asyiiiiik ada yang mo ngajakin bunda! Makasih ya sayang !
Bunda baru baca betul2 deh tagnya.

Mr. Eagle said...

to bunda....
:D iya neru kangen ama bunda jadinya ajakin bunda :D

Sinopi said...

hihihiii *ngakak baca nomor 3*

waduh.. jwb an nya dominan kawin neh.. udah kebelet sepertinyah
*kabuuurrr takut disambit duit*

Mr. Eagle said...

ngk juga cabi...
"mode marah sambil siap2 mau timpuk nih"

Paket Tour Wisata Muslim said...

nice quote ^^

kata kata lucu said...

jozz mas gan

cara memperbesar penis said...

Extenderjilq adalah cara memperbesar penis yang terbaik.
peroses pembesarannya begitu cepat dan aman karena menggunakan alat extender dan sedikit teknik urut arab "jilq"
Tidak ada metode lain yg secepat ini.

tunggu apa lagi, info lengkap segera kunjungi:

US News said...

Apple now has Rhapsody as an app, which is a great start, but it is currently hampered by the inability to store locally on your iPod, and has a dismal 64kbps bit rate. If this changes, then it will somewhat negate this advantage for the Zune, but the 10 songs per month will still be a big plus in Zune Pass' favor.

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